There are many styles and terms to do with handbags like Prada medium bag boston and Italian leather travel wallet / organiser and they can get easily confused with one another if you do not have them straight in your head. It is true that women usually have more than one handbag to keep up with special occasions and different looks and styles of clothing. Below is a list of terms you would associate with each handbag.
A baguette is a purse that resembles a baguette loaf of bread. This means it is long with both rounded edges.
A clutch handbag is what we call a purse that is carried around during the evening. It is small and convenient.
A cigar box handbag is made of a hard material with a handle that is boxy.
A field bag is a bag that has shoulder straps and has a closure such as a buckle or snap.
A duffle bag is typically used with athletic activities. It is bigger and bulkier with a shoulder strap and top opening.
A hobo bag is shaped like a half moon and worn across the shoulders.
Tote is a bag that has straps on both sides and usually fairly deep with the top open that has no closure.
Are you confused while it comes to purchasing prom costumes? With all kinds of official gowns and costumes accessible, there are too many words that explain the extent, pattern, collar, and fashion of a prom costume. You may feel besieged when talking with a sales clerk at a proper wear store or even when buying on the Internet the prom costumes. Below we have composed certain useful terms and meanings to assist you are a knowledgeable customer for prom costumes and additional prom-based bits and pieces of ladies’ awareness.